
Learning to Blog

As the saying goes, the more I learn the more I realize I don't know squat! Or something like that anyway.

This applies to blogging of course. Even Blogging For Dummies isn't helping me enough. Thank goodness for my friends over on The Well Trained Mind Boards. Anything I ever need to know I can find there.

Today I've managed to get my LibraryThing Books to show up in my side bar, though I'm sure I went about it the hard way. I do everything the hard way I think.

I also helped my 9th grader get his own blog started. He is really excited about that. He doesn't have much to say at the moment, but I'm sure that will come for him. For now he is has managed to get a picture of his drumset up there and is working on figuring out how to get a video of himself (playing the drums) up as well.

Other than that, I've been content to take pictures of my calico kitten, Starlie. She was sweet enough to pose, so I thought I'd give her a spot on my blog. I'm sure all her furiends will be impressed. She sends them all her purrs.

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