Yesterday's post 'The Viking Tale' is a bit of writing my 11 year old son composed after immersing himself in the stories and songs and lore of the Vikings.
Having worked out way through the Ancients last year using H.A. Guerber's Story of the Romans and Story of the Greeks that Nothing New Press has republished, combined with TruthQuest Ancients and TruthQuest Romans we have now moved on to the Dark Ages. Our spine this year is Guerber's Story of the Middle Ages.
Since June my history loving 11 year old has read the following:
Beowulf the Warrior by Ian Serraillier, which we actually took turns reading aloud to each other. It is written in epic poetry form but simple enough for a younger child. Having read read through this we are looking foreword to reading the original story of Beowulf when we get to ancients again.
White Stag
Children of Odin
He learned all about the Norse gods of the Vikings in this book of tales.Black Horses for the King. This is a story of a boy who helped find/capture horses for King Arthur. My son appreciated this little book because unlike many King Arthur stories, this book put the story in the correct historical time period.
The Story of Roland by Baldwin
Blood Feud by Rosemary Sutcliff. This woman can tell some wonderful tales. My son could not stop coming to me with all the details from this little book.
Sea of Trolls by Nancy Farmer
Viking Tales
We are now moving on to the early medieval period so he is now working through:
When Knights Were Bold by Eva March Tappan
and for free reading
Red Hugh: Prince of Donegal by Robert T. Reilly. (which takes place in the 1500s)
He is thrilled with the books he has read so far and excited about the ones to come. All of them combined with TruthQuest History Middle Ages is going to make a good year for my medieval loving son.
Sorry about not listing all the authors of the books he has read. I'm just too lazy this morning to look them all up.